The word Yoga means “unity” or “connection” between body and mind. Learning to control your body and breath are important pillars of Hatha Yoga. This classical form is the basis for many other Western styles. By doing various yoga postures (asanas) and paying attention to breathing, you calm the mind which often has many thoughts, beliefs and judgments running through your mind (the monkey mind).
Doing the asanas is one of the steps within Patanjali’s 8-fold path which comprised an important part of my training. Yoga has a preventive effect on our physical and mental health.
During the dynamic hatha yoga you are extra challenged and therefore also relaxing for the mind. After all, you don’t get a chance to fret. During the yoga class there is a balance between exertion and relaxation, strength and flexibility. After all the dynamics, the class always ends with a final relaxation or meditation.